As beds occupy lots of space specially in kids room where already to many kid’s stuff is present to make it congested. We here presents an idea of foldable beds by Resource Furnitures which made these wonderful designs of beds specially designed for small kids room spaces so that bed don’t occupy so much of rooms space. We can use this spare space for study tables, book shelves, storage etc. have a look on the awesome designs of foldable furniture for much space spacing at your home.

Two single foldable orange beds for kids room opened

Two single foldable orange beds for kids room

Yellow foldable bed for kids room with study space

Yellow foldable bed opened for kids room with study space

Orange compact single kids bed

Orange compact single kids bed with storage

Orange compact single kids bed opened

Purple foldable bed with study area for kids.

Purple foldable bed with study area for kids

Space saving kids bed with book shelve

Space saving kids bed with book shelves

Pink space saving bunk bed for girls room

Pink space saving bunk bed opened for girls room

Space saving bed for kids room with study space

Space saving bed opened for kids room with study space

Green space saving bunk bed with study area for kids room

Green space saving bunk bed opened for kids room

Pink and Orange study area and bed for girls

Pink and Orange study area and bed opened for girls
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