We all love green area around our home whether it’s a small lawn or a large garden. And we want to maintain it perfectly by placing beautiful planters, fountains, garden sculptures & statues, path lights, decorative fences etc. But one commonly faced problem by every garden maintainer is hose storage. We can’t place it somewhere else as it is used frequently and it can’t be hidden anywhere in the garden. It’s a garden spoiler thing. But we bought a solution for your this problem – a hose hiding planter. It can solve your problem easily and you can make it by your own as well. Tutorial of Hose Hiding Planter ia available at thatsmyletter.
Now, compare both the images given below – with and without hose storage planter. Definitely, hose planter has enhanced the looks of the garden.

Hose storage before & after
First place the hose in it as shown in below image.

Hose Hiding Planter with Hose
And then place a planter cover over it. It’s a 2 piece hose hiding planter.

2 piece Hose Hiding Planter

DIY Hose Planter
Source: thatsmyletter
Don’t care to go through all the trouble? Still you can solve hose storage problem. Just buy it from Amazon here.
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